Samita, Founder Deidaa, in conversation with Kylie Mowbray Allen of Hello Media
April 8, 2021
On the Edge with April Mahoney, San Diego, California
Nov 2, 2020
Interview with Annette Densham, Obsessed Hub
Sep 30, 2020
Interview with Adrian Franklin, Ticker TV
Sep 24,2020
Panelist Australia-India: Insights into Business Opportunities Post Covid
Sep 2020
August - September 2020
Sustainability seminars in collaboration with TCFWA/ TCF Australia/ Belmont Bec
Sustainability - Preserving TCF Resources for Future Generations - #helloyou Inteview Series! In conversation with Kylie Mowbray Allen
Deidaa’s creative director, Samita received a pat on the back for her work with artisan communities from Herald Sun (article below)
Spotlight on Deidaa … Deidaa receives coverage in Australasia’s most prestigious fashion industry magazine, thank you Ragtrader!!
8. Working with Artisan Communities - the Making of Poly’nAsia©
Speaker at ICFI (International Coference of Fashion Incubators), Perth, Australia
9. "Her work is not about creating a gorgeous piece of art or fashion … it’s about preserving an ancient tradition that has been passed from generation to generation. ” Apparel Magazine